Beaver Scout Games

Welcome to my blog for simple games to play with young groups like Beavers and Cubs. If you are planning a childrens party then this may be a useful source of information for cheap simple and fun ideas.

All people love to play games. At Beavers we play games outside when the weather permits so I have listed games suitable for such occassions. We meet on a Thursday evening so for half of the year we cannot go outside as it's too dark. Therefore we also have loads games for the inside as well.

I have categorisd the games into their most approriate section. However, most games can be adapted for most situations.

If you have any party game ideas then please forward them to me and I will try then out at my Colony and add them to the list.

Most importantly have fun!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Noah's Ark

Number of Players
Any even number. Ideally 8+

You Will Need
A bowl, hat or box in which are placed cards with matching animal names on. Same number of cards as players.

How to Play
Best to prepare this game before hand. On each card write down the name of an animal which makes a distinctive noise. Each animal must have a partner so each animal should be written on two cards. Put the cards in your container. Each child then picks out a card and looks at it without anyone else looking at it. The children then impersonate the animal written on the card and try to find their partner. This game is very noisy buy great fun.

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